
Customer Testimonials

See what our customers say about our Wichita moving company and the all-encompassing moving services we offer throughout the greater Wichita, KS, region. Contact us today to schedule services or to get an estimate for your next relocation.


Once again we used [Rightsize Moving Solutions (formerly Three Pea Senior Relocation & Transition Services)] recently and hands down they are simply the best in our market! We hired them to pack our basement contents and move all of that to our garage so we can get a mold issue taken care of. The 3 ladies did all the packing and they were super fast and handled our items with care! Then Josh and his 2man crew did all the moving of 45+ boxes and all the furniture from the basement and again super fast and stacked all of it in just part of our 2 car garage! We highly recommend their services for any packing and/or moving you may need! You won't be sorry when you use these folks! Thanks Kirsten and Josh for your awesome service and great pricing! You took the stress away on this one for us and we are very grateful!

- Phil Richardson

We used [Rightsize Moving Solutions (formerly Three Pea)] for a recent move. The guys were efficient, nice, and were able to work with our crazy schedule. I definitely recommend using [Rightsize Moving Solutions].

- Kat Justus

[Rightsize Moving Solutions (formerly Three Pea)] does an excellent job making sure all their clients' needs are met. Highly professional and dependable!

- Steve S.

[Rightsize Moving Solutions (formerly Three Pea)] packed, moved and unpacked for me in my recent move (2016) and provided the same services for my mother in 2014.

- Connie B.

[Rightsize Moving Solutions (formerly Three Pea)] helped us move our nonprofit into a new office space this summer. It was hot, our old office was on the 2nd floor with no elevator. They had us loaded up, moved & unloaded at the new place in 2 hours! The staff was kind and friendly and despite the heat, we had a great time! Since the move we have also referred Three Pea to others.

- Jennifer W.

Kristen does a thorough job of understand her clients' needs and giving practical solutions that are manageable to implement.

- Christina W.

This is truly a five star service! Friendly, fast, knowledgeable and so trustworthy. I would HIGHLY recommend Kirsten and her crew.

- Kandi T.

Simply put, Kirsten and her team are absolutely amazing! They are organized, pay close attention to detail, timely and efficient! They assist us with new move-ins at Larksfield Place and our residents have loved them and rave about them. You couldn't ask for a better team to simplify and de-stress during a what could be, very stressful life event.

- Brandi S.

[Rightsize Moving Solutions (formerly Three Pea)] arranged the furniture and hung pictures. They explained what they would do and it was all to my satisfaction. Excellent work.

- Mary Jane S.

The easiest move we ever made. The workers even took photos of book shelves and then, after the move, placed the books in the same order as before the move. The furniture was handled with special care. Nothing was broken or scratched. A great experience!

- Glenn T.

Incredible care and concern to make your move as easy as possible. They DO take care of everything! They deliver your furniture with careful detail and set up in new location. Have a great staff to unpack and place every item in its proper place. You can go out to eat, a movie, etc. and come home to an organized place with bed made and ready for you. A very caring and thoughtful Owner and Staff. [Rightsize Moving Solutions (formerly Three Pea Moving)] is the very best available.

- Christine Hull